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Feedforward Filter Design for CACC with N - Vehicle Look Ahead: A Frequency Domain Approach for Further Optimization of Radio Resource Usage., , , and . VTC Fall, page 1-5. IEEE, (2020)Hybrid V2X Communications: Multi-RAT as Enabler for Connected Autonomous Driving., , and . PIMRC, page 1370-1376. IEEE, (2018)On the Reliability of NR-V2X and IEEE 802.11bd., , , and . PIMRC, page 1-7. IEEE, (2019)On PHY Abstraction Modeling for IEEE 802.11ax based Multi-Connectivity Networks., , , , and . WCNC, page 1-7. IEEE, (2019)A Secure and Resilient 6G Architecture Vision of the German Flagship Project 6G-ANNA., , , , , , , , , and 22 other author(s). IEEE Access, (2023)Evaluating RF Hardware Characteristics for Automotive JCRS Systems Based on PMCW-CDMA at 77GHz., , and . IEEE Access, (2023)System Analysis of State-Aware Resource Allocation for Closed-Loop Control Systems., , , , , and . GLOBECOM, page 1-6. IEEE, (2020)String Stable CACC under LTE-V2V Mode 3: Scheduling Periods and Transmission Delays., , , and . 5G World Forum, page 292-297. IEEE, (2019)Position-Driven Wireless Multipath Channel Simulator for Square-Shaped Environments., , , , , and . JC&S, page 1-6. IEEE, (2021)SoK: A Taxonomy for Hardware-Based Fingerprinting in the Internet of Things., , and . ARES, page 96:1-96:12. ACM, (2024)