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Other publications of authors with the same name

Flexer: Out-of-Order Scheduling for Multi-NPUs., , and . CGO, page 212-223. ACM, (2023)Online Scalability Characterization of Data-Parallel Programs on Many Cores., , and . PACT, page 191-205. ACM, (2016)POSTER: Improving NUMA System Efficiency with a Utilization-Based Co-scheduling., , and . PACT, page 150-151. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)To fit or not to fit: Model-based Face Reconstruction and Occlusion Segmentation from Weak Supervision., , , , and . CoRR, (2021)Morphable Face Models - An Open Framework., , , , , , and . FG, page 75-82. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Interactive Exploration of Conditional Statistical Shape Models in the Web-browser - exploreCOSMOS., and . Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin, page 108-113. Springer, (2024)Scratchpad memory management for portable systems with a memory management unit., , and . EMSOFT, page 321-330. ACM, (2006)Scratchpad memory management in a multitasking environment., , and . EMSOFT, page 265-274. ACM, (2008)Towards Economical Live Migration in Data Centers., , , and . GECON, volume 12441 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 173-188. Springer, (2020)Can VM Live Migration Improve Job Throughput? Evidence from a Real World Cluster Trace., , , , and . GECON, volume 13072 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 17-26. Springer, (2021)