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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Some Thoughts on Practice-Theory Relationships in Animation Studies. Animation, 1 (2): 229--245 (November 2006)Mentoring: A Leverage Point for Intelligent Systems?, und . IEEE Intelligent Systems, 30 (5): 78-84 (2015)Structured Analysis and Object Oriented Analysis (Panel)., , , , , und . OOPSLA/ECOOP, Seite 135-139. ACM, (1990)SIGPLAN Notices 25(10).Coordination in Multi-tiered Robotic Search., und . TAROS, Volume 6856 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 384-385. Springer, (2011)Commercialization of technology research for benefit., und . CASCON, Seite 340-343. IBM / ACM, (2015)Trusted Computing for Protecting Ad-hoc Routing., und . CNSR, Seite 61-68. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Developing a Process for Continuous Commissioning., , , und . IECON, Seite 801-806. IEEE, (2018)The effect of time constraint on anticipation, decision making, and option generation in complex and dynamic environments., , und . Cogn. Technol. Work., 17 (3): 355-366 (2015)Revealing perceptual-cognitive expertise in law enforcement: an iterative approach using verbal-report, temporal-occlusion, and option-generation methods., und . Cogn. Technol. Work., 20 (4): 585-596 (2018)Special issue of interacting with computers: Symbiotic performance between humans and intelligent systems., , und . Interact. Comput., 18 (6): 1165-1169 (2006)