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An improved kNN text classification method., , and . Int. J. Comput. Sci. Eng., 20 (3): 397-403 (2019)STITCHER: Correlating Digital Forensic Evidence on Internet-of-Things Devices., , and . CoRR, (2020)A novel personality detection method based on high-dimensional psycholinguistic features and improved distributed Gray Wolf Optimizer for feature selection., , and . Inf. Process. Manag., 60 (2): 103217 (2023)A Rule-Based Ontology for Context-Aware Computing., , , and . BMEI, page 1-4. IEEE, (2009)LAWN: boosting the performance of NVMM file system through reducing write amplification., and . DAC, page 6:1-6:6. ACM, (2018)Asynchronous and Adaptive Checkpoint for WAL-based Data Storage Systems., , and . ICPADS, page 1238-1245. IEEE, (2023)An Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for In-Vehicle Wireless Sensor Networks., , , and . ICPCSEE (2), volume 728 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 161-170. Springer, (2017)MLRN: A multi-view local reconstruction network for single image restoration., , , , and . Inf. Process. Manag., 61 (2): 103700 (March 2024)SweynTooth: Unleashing Mayhem over Bluetooth Low Energy., , , , and . USENIX ATC, page 911-925. USENIX Association, (2020)Design and Implementation of Authentication and Authorization Flow in ESCP System., , and . EIDWT, page 564-568. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)