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Block boundary detection method from JPEG images for embedded watermark detection., и . VCIP, том 4067 из Proceedings of SPIE, стр. 1536-1543. SPIE, (2000)Digital image watermarking method using between-class variance., , , и . ICIP, стр. 2185-2188. IEEE, (2012)Highpass-filtering based adaptive directional wavelet transform., , и . PCS, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2009)Quality metric for filter arrangement in a multispectral filter array., , , , и . PCS, стр. 149-152. IEEE, (2013)A Study of an In-Pipe Microrobot Having Bulging Friction Brakes., , и . J. Robotics Mechatronics, 17 (3): 255-261 (2005)Modeling and Fabrication of a Mobile Inspection Microrobot Driven by a Pneumatic Bellows Actuator for Long Pipes., , и . J. Robotics Mechatronics, 18 (1): 11-17 (2006)A fast binary arithmetic coding using probability table of expanded symbols., , , и . ISITA, стр. 480-484. IEEE, (2012)On Adaptive Wavelet Transform for Unified Progressive Coding., , и . ICIP (2), стр. 269-273. IEEE, (1999)A lossless coding method using shape information and rotation compensation for digital museum images., , , и . ICIP (2), стр. 193-196. IEEE, (2003)A study on memorability and shoulder-surfing robustness of graphical password using DWT-based image blending., , , , и . PCS, стр. 134-137. IEEE, (2010)