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Digital Appendix: A Moral Consensus Mechanism for Autonomous Driving: Towards a Law-compliant Basis of Logic Programming. ResearchGate, , , , and . (2019)A Taxonomy of User-centered Explainable AI Studies., , and . PACIS, page 9. (2022)I Don't Get IT, but IT seems Valid! The Connection between Explainability and Comprehensibility in (X)AI Research., , , and . ECIS, (2021)Slipstream 2.0: Business Activity Management for SAP NetWeaver BPM, Part 3. SAP Community Network Blog. (2010)Akzeptanz und Erwartungshaltung zu Gamification an deutschen Bildungseinrichtungen: Eine qualitative Studie für Baden-Württemberg, , , , , and . Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2018 (MKWI). Student Track, Lüneburg, (2018)A Taxonomy and Archetypes of Business Analytics in Smart Manufacturing., , , and . ACM SIGMIS Database, 54 (1): 11-45 (February 2023)Validation of a Generic Service Governance Meta Model based on the Comparison of Major Governance Frameworks., and . ACIS, (2010)Vorwort., , , and . MKWI, page 349. University of Paderborn, (2014)Approaching Digitalization with Business Process Management., , , and . MKWI, page 1725-1736. Leuphana University Lüneburg, (2018)Appendix for “Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) for Intelligent Process Automation“, , , and . (2023)