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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Efficient data dissemination protocol based on complex networks' metrics for urban vehicular networks., , , , und . J. Internet Serv. Appl., 10 (1): 15:1-15:13 (2019)Safe and Sound: Driver Safety-Aware Vehicle Re-Routing Based on Spatiotemporal Information., , , , und . IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., 21 (9): 3973-3989 (2020)A reliable and data aggregation aware routing protocol for wireless sensor networks., , , und . MSWiM, Seite 245-252. ACM, (2009)SPARTAN: A Solution to Prevent Traffic Jam with Real-Time Alert and Re-Routing for Smart City., , , , , und . VTC Fall, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2016)Hybrid Context-Aware Multimodal Routing., , , und . ITSC, Seite 2250-2255. IEEE, (2018)Alocação de Tarefas em Nuvens Veiculares Utilizando Jogos de Mercado., , , , , und . SBRC, Seite 210-223. (2022)Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems - an experimental approach., , , , , , , , , und 33 andere Autor(en). CAMAD, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2018)Por Aqui é Mais Seguro: Melhorando a Mobilidade e a Segurança nas Vias Urbanas., , , und . SBRC, Seite 1019-1032. (2018)Combinatorial Optimization-based Task Allocation Mechanism for Vehicular Clouds., , , und . VTC Spring, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2020)Context-Aware Vehicle Route Recommendation Platform: Exploring Open and Crowdsourced Data., , , , , und . ICC, Seite 1-7. IEEE, (2018)