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A Modified Phase Disposition Pulse Width Modulation to Suppress the Leakage Current for the Transformerless Cascaded H-Bridge Inverters., , , and . IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., 65 (2): 1281-1289 (2018)An Optimized Third Harmonic Injection Method for Reducing DC-Link Voltage Fluctuation and Alleviating Power Imbalance of Three-Phase Cascaded H-Bridge Photovoltaic Inverter., , , , , and . IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., 67 (4): 2488-2498 (2020)An Optimized Third Harmonic Compensation Strategy for Single-Phase Cascaded H-Bridge Photovoltaic Inverter., , , , , , and . IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., 65 (11): 8635-8645 (2018)High performance spatial queries for spatial big data: from medical imaging to GIS., , and . ACM SIGSPATIAL Special, 6 (3): 11-18 (2014)The 28th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2020): virtual, online, USA November 3-6, 2020: conference report., , , , , and . ACM SIGSPATIAL Special, 12 (3): 3-6 (2020)IDEAL: a Vector-Raster Hybrid Model for Efficient Spatial Queries over Complex Polygons., , , , and . MDM, page 99-108. IEEE, (2021)Managing and Searching Distributed Multidimensional Annotations with Large Scale Image Data., , , and . MCAM, volume 4577 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 361-370. Springer, (2007)Effective Scalable and Integrative Geocoding for Massive Address Datasets., , , , and . SIGSPATIAL/GIS, page 26:1-26:10. ACM, (2017)YSmart: Yet Another SQL-to-MapReduce Translator., , , , , and . ICDCS, page 25-36. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Native Web Browser Enabled SVG-based Collaborative Multimedia Annotation for Medical Images., , and . ICDE, page 1219-1228. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)