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A Dataflow Analysis to Improve SAT-Based Bounded Program Verification., , , and . SEFM, volume 7041 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 138-154. Springer, (2011)Efficient Analysis of DynAlloy Specifications, , , and . ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., 17 (1): 1--34 (December 2007)Advanced White-Box Heuristics for Search-Based Fuzzing of REST APIs., , and . ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., 33 (6): 142 (July 2024)EMB: A Curated Corpus of Web/Enterprise Applications And Library Support for Software Testing Research., , , , , , and . ICST, page 433-442. IEEE, (2023)Parallel bounded analysis in code with rich invariants by refinement of field bounds., , , , , , , and . ISSTA, page 23-33. ACM, (2013)ParAlloy: Towards a Framework for Efficient Parallel Analysis of Alloy Models., , , and . ASM, volume 5977 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 396-397. Springer, (2010)SQL data generation to enhance search-based system testing., and . GECCO, page 1390-1398. ACM, (2019)EvoSuiteDSE at the SBST 2021 Tool Competition., and . SBST@ICSE, page 30-31. IEEE, (2021)Testability Transformations For Existing APIs., and . ICST, page 153-163. IEEE, (2020)DynAlloy as a Formal Method for the Analysis of Java Programs., and . SET, volume 227 of IFIP, page 249-260. Springer, (2006)