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Merging multilayer perceptrons and hidden Markov models: some experiments in continuous speech recognition

, and . Neural Networks: Advances and Applications, North-Holland, (1991)

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Probability estimation by feed-forward networks in continuous speech recognition, , and . TR-91-030. International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley CA, USA, (1991)Links between Markov models and multi-layer perceptrons, and . Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 1, Morgan Kaufmann, California, San Mateo CA, (1989)Merging multilayer perceptrons and hidden Markov models: some experiments in continuous speech recognition, and . Neural Networks: Advances and Applications, North-Holland, (1991)Connectionist optimisation of tied mixture hidden Markov models, , , , and . Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 4, Morgan Kaufmann, California, San Mateo CA, (1992)Towards Increasing Speech Recognition Error Rates, , and . Speech Communication, 18 (3): 205--231 (1996)Modelling Auxiliary Features in Tandem Systems, , , and . Proc. ICSLP, (to appear 2004)Connectionist Approaches to the Use of Markov Models for Speech Recognition, , and . Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 3, page 213--219. Morgan Kaufmann, (1991)Auto-Association by Multilayer Perceptrons and Singular Value Decomposition, and . Manuscript, M217. Philips Research Laboratory, Brussels, Belgium, (1987)Conectionist approaches to the use of Markov models for speech recognition, , and . Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 3, Morgan Kaufmann, California, San Mateo CA, (1991)Speech pattern discrimination and multilayer perceptrons, and . Computer Speech and Language, (1989)