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The Definition and Use of Personas in the Design of Technologies for Informal Caregivers., , , и . HCI (1), том 9169 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 202-213. Springer, (2015)Coordination of work: towards a typology.. CompSysTech, стр. 311-316. ACM, (2010)An Approach for Model based Requirement Engineering of Participative Engineering Methodology., , и . CCE, том P-120 из LNI, стр. 21-32. GI, (2007)Material embodiments of electroacoustic music: an experimental workshop study., , , и . NIME, стр. 1-6., (2019)Islander: Informing Leverage Points for Design of a Location-based Mobile Game promoting Physical Activity., , и . MoMM, стр. 146-150. ACM, (2017)The multidisciplinary design group in Vienna., и . CSCW, стр. 497-504. ACM, (2011)Asking for the Moon or Model-based Coordination in Distributed Design., , и . ECSCW, стр. 383-402. Springer, (2009)Mobility Transformation: What does mobility mean in the future?, , , и . C&T, стр. 349-353. ACM, (2019)Practices and Cultures of Knowledge Management., , и . CCE, том P-120 из LNI, стр. 107-121. GI, (2007)Opportunistic Affiliation in Spontaneous Volunteer Management., , и . ISCRAM, ISCRAM Association, (2019)