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A speech training aid for the deaf with display of voicing, frication and silence., , , , и . ICASSP, стр. 743-746. IEEE, (1982)Application of the compositional representation to lexical access using neural networks., и . ICSLP, стр. 1377-1380. ISCA, (1990)A comparison of preprocessors for the cambridge recurrent error propagation network speech recognition system., , , и . ICSLP, стр. 1033-1036. ISCA, (1990)A neural network based, speaker independent, large vocabulary, continuous speech recognition system: the WERNICKE project., , , , , , , , , и 4 other автор(ы). EUROSPEECH, стр. 1941-1944. ISCA, (1993)Non-linear time compression for lexical access., , и . EUROSPEECH, стр. 1615-1618. ISCA, (1993)A new articulatory model for speech production., и . ICASSP, стр. 1105-1108. IEEE, (1985)Lexical stress recognition using hidden Markov models., и . ICASSP, стр. 135-138. IEEE, (1988)Off-line Handwriting Recognition by Recurrent Error Propagation Networks., и . BMVC, стр. 1-9. BMVA Press, (1992)Progress in Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition. Speech Technology, 4 (4): 14--15 (апреля 1989)On the Use of Quasilinearization for the Solution of Sub-Problems in On-Line Hierarchical Control and its Application to a Water Distribution Network., и . Optimization Techniques, том 40 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 273-291. Springer, (1975)