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Security & Privacy in IoT Using Machine Learning & Blockchain: Threats & Countermeasures., , , и . CoRR, (2020)Enhanced Responsivity and Detectivity for Perovskite Based Self-Powered Photodetector for Low Power VLC Applications., , , , , и . CSNDSP, стр. 159-162. IEEE, (2024)Channel resource allocation and availability prediction in hybrid access femtocells., , и . Phys. Commun., (2017)A no reference method for detection of dropped video frames in live video streaming., , и . ICUFN, стр. 839-844. IEEE, (2016)Channel blocking analysis and availability prediction in cognitive radio networks., , и . ICNC, стр. 963-968. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)UAV Reconnaissance using Bio-Inspired Algorithms: Joint PSO and Penguin Search Optimization Algorithm (PeSOA) Attributes., , , и . CCNC, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2019)Investigating Reliability for URLLC in EUHT-5G a new IMT-2020 Candidate Technology., , , , и . GLOBECOM (Workshops), стр. 662-667. IEEE, (2022)HVDC Transmission Line Fault Identification: A Learning Based UAV Control Strategy., , , , , , и . IEEE Access, (2022)An intrusion oriented heuristic for efficient resource management in end-to-end wireless video surveillance systems., , и . CCNC, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2018)A Novel No-Reference Metric for Estimating the Impact of Frame Freezing Artifacts on Perceptual Quality of Streamed Videos., , и . IEEE Trans. Multim., 20 (9): 2344-2359 (2018)