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Maximum exploratory equivalence in trees., , и . FedCSIS, том 5 из Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, стр. 507-518. IEEE, (2015)Graph Grammar Induction as a Parser-Controlled Heuristic Search Process., , и . AGTIVE, том 7233 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 121-136. Springer, (2011)Introduction of the automated assessment of homework assignments in a university-level programming course., , и . MIPRO, стр. 761-766. IEEE, (2015)Improving the graph grammar parser of Rekers and Schürr., , и . IET Softw., 5 (2): 246-261 (2011)Feature selection for object detection: The best group vs. the group of best., и . MIPRO, стр. 1192-1197. IEEE, (2014)Agile Effort Estimation: Comparing the Accuracy and Efficiency of Planning Poker, Bucket System, and Affinity Estimation Methods., , , и . Int. J. Softw. Eng. Knowl. Eng., 33 (11&12): 1923-1950 (ноября 2023)Exploratory Equivalence in Graphs: Definition and Algorithms., , и . FedCSIS, том 2 из Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, стр. 447-456. (2014)