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A Metrics Method for Software Architecture Adaptability., , и . J. Softw., 5 (10): 1091-1098 (2010)A Non-Standard Approach for the OWL Ontologies Checking and Reasoning., , и . J. Comput., 7 (10): 2454-2461 (2012)Spindle Density Analysis of Adult Epilepsy based on Automatic Detection Algorithms in EEG., , , , , и . ISAIMS, стр. 463-467. ACM, (2022)An Approach Based on Value Revision to Activity Recognition., , , и . ICCCS (1), том 11063 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 275-284. Springer, (2018)Analysis of Electromechanical Characteristics in Air-Core Integrated Linear Synchronous Motor for EDS Maglev Train With Pitching Operation Condition., , , и . IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 73 (11): 17940 (ноября 2024)Crowdsourced Web Application Testing Under Real-Time Constraints., , , , и . International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 28 (6): 751-780 (2018)Electrochemical Sensing toward Trace As(III) Based on Mesoporous MnFe2O4/Au Hybrid Nanospheres Modified Glass Carbon Electrode., , , и . Sensors, 16 (6): 935 (2016)Riemann-Hilbert problems and soliton solutions for a generalized coupled Sasa-Satsuma equation., , и . Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul., (апреля 2023)Activity Feature Solving Based on TF-IDF for Activity Recognition in Smart Homes., , , , и . Complex., (2019)A PUT-Based Approach to Automatically Extracting Quantities and Generating Final Answers for Numerical Attributes., , , , и . Entropy, 18 (6): 235 (2016)