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The promise of evolutionary systems biology: lessons from bacterial chemotaxis.. Science signaling, 3 (128): pe23+ (29.06.2010)Signal transduction networks: topology, response and biochemical processes., , и . Journal of theoretical biology, 238 (2): 416--425 (21.01.2006)Evolution of complexity in signaling pathways, и . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103 (44): 16337--16342 (31.10.2006)Evolution of Taxis Responses in Virtual Bacteria: Non-Adaptive Dynamics., и . PLoS Comput. Biol., (2008)The evolution of connectivity in metabolic networks., , и . PLoS biology, 3 (7): e228+ (28.07.2005)Evolution of response dynamics underlying bacterial chemotaxis., и . BMC evolutionary biology, 11 (1): 240+ (16.08.2011)Systems and synthetic biology underpinning biotechnology., и . Current opinion in biotechnology, 24 (4): 735--736 (августа 2013)Metabolic tinker: an online tool for guiding the design of synthetic metabolic pathways, и . Nucleic Acids Research, 41 (11): e113 (01.06.2013)Using Evolutionary Methods to Study G-Protein Coupled Receptors., , , и . Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, стр. 625-636. (2002)Cooperation in microbial communities and their biotechnological applications., , , и . Environmental microbiology, (26.04.2017)