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A Service Selection Framework for Anomaly Detection in IoT Stream Data., , , , , и . ICSS, стр. 155-161. IEEE, (2020)A Method for Resisting Adversarial Attack on Time Series Classification Model in IoT System., , , , и . WISA, том 12432 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 559-566. Springer, (2020)Lane Detection by Combining Trajectory Clustering and Curve Complexity Computing in Urban Environments., , , , и . SKG, стр. 240-246. IEEE, (2017)Lecture Information Service based on Multiple Features Fusion., , , , , и . ICSS, стр. 136-142. IEEE, (2020)Meta-process: a noval approach for decentralized execution of process., , , , , и . ICSS, стр. 38-44. IEEE, (2021)A Decentralized Runtime Environment for Service Collaboration: the Architecture and a Case Study., , , и . SERVICES, стр. 102-107. IEEE, (2021)Traditional Chinese Medicine knowledge Service based on Semi-Supervised BERT-BiLSTM-CRF Model., , , и . ICSS, стр. 64-69. IEEE, (2020)A Hybrid Approach to Integrate Multi-source Geophysical Data for Inter-well Formation Property Estimations., , , , и . ICCDA, стр. 13-19. ACM, (2019)Anomaly Detection Service for Sensor Stream Data based on Lag-correlation Analysis., , , и . ICWS, стр. 1403-1405. IEEE, (2024)Logging Lithology Discrimination in the Prototype Similarity Space With Random Forest., , , , и . IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett., 16 (5): 687-691 (2019)