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Privacy-Preserved and Best-Effort Provisions of Cyber-I Information to Personalized Services.

, and . DSDIS, page 218-225. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)

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Strategyproof Mechanisms for 2-Facility Location Games with Minimax Envy., , , and . AAIM, volume 12290 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 260-272. Springer, (2020)Privacy-Preserved and Best-Effort Provisions of Cyber-I Information to Personalized Services., and . DSDIS, page 218-225. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Analysis of CSMA/CA in Narrowband Power Line Communication System., and . CyberC, page 389-394. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Benefit of wind networking for aircraft arrival scheduling in terminal manoeuvring area., , , and . Comput. Ind. Eng., (August 2023)Sensor fault diagnosis scheme design for spacecraft attitude control system., , , and . CAA SAFEPROCESS, page 523-528. IEEE, (2019)Integrated Design of Fault Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control for Spacecraft System., , and . CAA SAFEPROCESS, page 656-661. IEEE, (2019)Fault Diagnosis with Spacecraft High-Dimensional Data Based on Machine Learning., , , , and . CAA SAFEPROCESS, page 1-6. IEEE, (2021)The application of T-S fuzzy fault tree analysis in satellite attitude control system., , , and . INDIN, page 208-213. IEEE, (2012)Type Analysis and Automatic Static Detection of Infeasible Paths., , and . GSKI (2), volume 849 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 294-304. Springer, (2017)A conflict avoid method between Load Balancing and Mobility Robustness Optimization in LTE., , , and . ICCC, page 143-148. IEEE, (2012)