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Other publications of authors with the same name

A Secure Electronic Market for Anonymous Transferable Emission Permits., and . HICSS (4), page 232-241. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Mobile Agents in Electronic Markets: Opportunities, Risks, Agent Protection., , and . Int. J. Electron. Commer., 5 (2): 47-60 (2000)Sicherheit offener Elektronischer Märkte. Reihe: Electronic Commerce Eul, Lohmar u.a., (2000)Sichere Geschäftstransaktionen auf Elektronischen Märkten., , and . Wirtschaftsinformatik, page 12. Physica-Verlag, (1999)A Language for Modeling Secure Business Transactions., , and . ACSAC, page 22-31. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)Neuer Markt - neues Geld?, and . Wirtschaftsinf., 39 (4): 345-355 (1997)COPS: A Model and Infrastructure for Secure and Fair Electronic Markets., and . HICSS, IEEE Computer Society, (1999)Modeling Secure and Fair Electronic Commerce., , and . ACSAC, page 155-164. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Trust for Electronic Commerce Transactions., , and . ADBIS, volume 1691 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1-13. Springer, (1999)