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A practical approach for complexity analysis of autonomic Internet of Things protocol algorithm., и . WPMC, стр. 256-261. IEEE, (2016)Measuring QoS of Nearest Replica Routing Forwarding Strategy on Named Data Networking for Triple Play Services., , и . WPMC, стр. 188-193. IEEE, (2018)Performance Comparison and Analysis of Paxos, Raft and PBFT Using NS3., , , и . IoTaIS, стр. 304-310. IEEE, (2022)Evolutionary multi-objective based approach for wireless sensor network deployment., , , , , и . ICC, стр. 1831-1836. IEEE, (2014)Comparison of Energy Efficiency and Routing Packet Overhead in Single and Multi Path Routing Protocols over S-MAC for Wireless Sensor Network., , , и . EMS, стр. 406-411. IEEE, (2012)Blockchain-Based Double-Layer Byzantine Fault Tolerance for Scalability Enhancement for Building Information Modeling Information Exchange., и . Big Data Cogn. Comput., 7 (2): 90 (2023)Construction and Analysis of Key Generation Algorithms Based on Modified Fibonacci and Scrambling Factors for Privacy Preservation., , и . Int. J. Netw. Secur., 21 (2): 250-258 (2019)Efficient router node deployment for ZigBee based Internet of Things network using Physarum optimization algorithm., , и . ICTC, стр. 639-644. IEEE, (2017)Energy Consumption at the Node in Underwater Wireless Sensor Network (UWSNs)., , , и . EMS, стр. 418-423. IEEE, (2012)Implementation of Proof-of-Work Concept Algorithm using SimBlock Simulator., и . NTMS, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2021)