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Why do some firms give stock options to all employees?: An empirical examination of alternative theories, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 76 (1): 99--133 (апреля 2005)Managing systems more effectively through Life Cycle Management., , , и . ACM Annual Conference (2), стр. 655. ACM, (1978)The gig economy. Non-traditional employment is a great opportunity for many, but it won’t replace traditional employment. IZA World of Labor, (января 2020)When the CEO Leaves, Do Others Follow?. STANFORD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, (февраля 2004)Associate Professor of Economics.Implications Of The President's Reorganization Project On Government Data Processing., , , , и . ACM Annual Conference (1), стр. 404. ACM, (1978)Recall bias among displaced workers. Economics Letters, 82 (3): 397--402 (марта 2004)A systems approach to career development: report of two surveys., и . AFIPS National Computer Conference, том 43 из AFIPS Conference Proceedings, стр. 873-880. AFIPS Press, (1974)Time sharing in training business systems analysts in simulated information systems design: use and evaluation.. SIGCPR, стр. 125-132. ACM, (1968)Training and continuing education plans for computer programmers.. SIGCPR, стр. 72-81. ACM, (1974)Perspectives of the systems analyst: Identity, function, skills and future.. SIGCPR, стр. 198-205. ACM, (1976)