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From Requirements to Architectures for Better Adaptive Software Systems., , , , и . iStar, том 978 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 91-96., (2013)A Metamodel for GDPR-based Privacy Level Agreements., , , и . ER Forum/Demos, том 1979 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 285-291., (2017)Dealing with multiple failures in zanshin: a control-theoretic approach., , и . SEAMS, стр. 165-174. ACM, (2014)Leak detection in the pipeline network of an oil refinery - A pattern classification paradigm., , и . PCI, стр. 178-182. ACM, (2020)Fast convolution and correlation computational methods in leakage localization applications., и . PCI, стр. 172-177. ACM, (2021)Model predictive control for software systems with CobRA., , , и . SEAMS@ICSE, стр. 35-46. ACM, (2016)Decision-Making in Security Requirements Engineering with Constrained Goal Models., , , и . CyberICPS/SECPRE@ESORICS, том 10683 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 262-280. Springer, (2017)Requirements and architectural approaches to adaptive software systems: a comparative study., , и . SEAMS, стр. 23-32. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)From requirements to statecharts via design refinement., , , , и . SAC, стр. 995-1000. ACM, (2014)Optimal Adaptations over Multi-Dimensional Adaptation Spaces with a Spice of Control Theory.. University of Trento, Italy, (2016)