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Removal of blobs from retinal videos using intra-video registration., , , and . BMEI, page 462-466. IEEE, (2011)Brain shift analysis for deep brain stimulation surgery using non-rigid registration., , , and . Image-Guided Procedures, volume 6509 of SPIE Proceedings, page 65091B. SPIE, (2007)A comparative analysis of non rigid registration methods in atlas-based segmentation of subcortical structures., , and . BMEI, page 126-130. IEEE, (2012)Segmentation of Built up area from SPOT 5 multispectral satellite images., and . IGARSS, page 1963-1966. IEEE, (2013)Network weight adjustment in a fractional fourier transform based multi-channel brain computer interface for person authentication., , , and . ISSPA, page 900-905. IEEE, (2012)Real-Time Object Tracking Using Powell's Direct Set Method for Object Localization and Kalman Filter for Occlusion Handling., , and . DICTA, page 1-7. IEEE, (2012)Atlas based segmentation of brain structures in 3D MR images., and . BMEI, page 137-141. IEEE, (2011)Exploiting a scene calibration mechanism for depth estimation., , , and . IPTA, page 421-425. IEEE, (2012)Non rigid image registration by modeling deformations as elastic waves., and . ICIP, page 3577-3581. IEEE, (2014)Intelligent Energy Efficient and MAC Aware Multipath QoS Routing Protocol for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks., and . AIAI Workshops, volume 1539 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 23-31., (2015)