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Vendors¿ Perspectives of Coordination in the Information Technology Offshore Outsourcing Industry: An Exploratory Study from the Philippines.

, , and . CSCW, page 318-333. ACM, (2016)

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Sharing Social Recommendations: Towards a Social Portal., , , , , and . DCW, volume 2468 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 240-251. Springer, (2002)The Nexus information hub for exploring social-informational context., , , and . ADCS, (2002)The cube: a very large-scale interactive engagement space., , , , , and . ITS, page 1-10. ACM, (2013)TrainYarn: Probing Perceptions of Social Space in Urban Commuter Trains., , , and . OZCHI, page 455-464. ACM, (2015)Out of Place Robot in the Wild: Envisioning Urban Robot Contextual Adaptability Challenges Through a Design Probe., , , , , , , , , and 2 other author(s). CHI Extended Abstracts, page 258:1-258:7. ACM, (2024)Systeme für Experten statt Expertensysteme - Von der Folgenforschung zur kompetenzförderlichen Gestaltung wissenbasierter Technik, , , and . infix Verlag, Sankt Augustin, (1994)Watching ourselves watching: ethical issues in ethnographic action research., , , and . OZCHI, volume 122 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, ACM, (2005)Mini-Orb: A Personal Indoor Climate Preference Feedback Interface., , and . INTERACT (2), volume 9297 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 134-149. Springer, (2015)Participatory Data Analytics: Collaborative Interfaces for Data Composition and Visualisation., , and . VINCI, page 248. ACM, (2014)Computerunterstützte Kooperation aus Arbeitnehmersicht., , , and . D-CSCW, volume 51 of Berichte des German Chapter of the ACM, page 345-346. Teubner, (1998)