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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Understanding Evasion Techniques that Abuse Differences Among JavaScript Implementations., , , , und . WISE (2), Volume 10570 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 278-294. Springer, (2017)Fake News Detection via Biased User Profiles in Social Networking Sites., , , , , , und . WI/IAT, Seite 136-145. ACM, (2021)Investigations of Top-Level Domain Name Collisions in Blockchain Naming Services., , , und . WWW, Seite 2926-2935. ACM, (2024)Impact Analysis of Organizational Structure of Group Companies on Privacy Policies., , , , und . WPES@CCS, Seite 159-165. ACM, (2023)POSTER: Predicting Website Abuse Using Update Histories., , , , und . WWW (Companion Volume), Seite 9-10. ACM, (2018)Malicious URL sequence detection using event de-noising convolutional neural network., , , , , , , und . ICC, Seite 1-7. IEEE, (2017)Understanding the origins of mobile app vulnerabilities: a large-scale measurement study of free and paid apps., , , , , , , , , und . MSR, Seite 14-24. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Money Talks: Detection of Disposable Phishing Websites by Analyzing Its Building Costs., , und . TPS-ISA, Seite 97-106. IEEE, (2022)Analysis of Privacy Compliance by Classifying Multiple Policies on the Web., , , und . COMPSAC, Seite 1734-1741. IEEE, (2022)Website Forensic Investigation to Identify Evidence and Impact of Compromise., , , , und . SecureComm, Volume 198 von Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Seite 431-453. Springer, (2016)