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An Effective Deployment of Diffusion LM for Data Augmentation in Low-Resource Sentiment Classification., , , , , и . EMNLP, стр. 1844-1856. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2024)Age-aware relay strategy with simultaneous wireless information and power transfer in remote monitoring systems., , , , , и . IET Commun., 17 (12): 1418-1431 (июля 2023)Expressway traffic safety early warning system based on cloud architecture., , , и . Comput. Commun., (2021)SAR study on inhibitors of Hsp90α using machine learning methods., , и . CCF Trans. High Perform. Comput., 3 (4): 353-364 (2021)Enhancing Hindi Feature Representation through Fusion of Dual-Script Word Embeddings., , и . LREC/COLING, стр. 5966-5976. ELRA and ICCL, (2024)Integrative Ontology of Bipolar Disorder (OBD): Advancing Bipolar Disorder Research Through an Interoperable Ontological Framework., , , и . ER (Workshops), том 14932 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 169-179. Springer, (2024)Research on seismic capacity of buried pipelines based on ABAQUS., , , , и . IPEC, стр. 202-205. ACM, (2022)A Distantly-Supervised Relation Extraction Method Based on Selective Gate and Noise Correction., , , и . CCL, том 14232 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 159-174. Springer, (2023)Age-Aware Status Updating for Solar Energy Storage Systems., , , и . ICCT, стр. 1474-1479. IEEE, (2023)Innovative Design and Simulation of a Transformable Robot with Flexibility and Versatility, RHex-T3., , , , , , и . ICRA, стр. 6992-6998. IEEE, (2021)