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An Integrated Architecture for IoT Malware Analysis and Detection., , , , , , и . IoTaaS, том 271 из Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, стр. 127-137. Springer, (2018)Learning Social Image Embedding with Deep Multimodal Attention Networks., , , , , и . ACM Multimedia (Thematic Workshops), стр. 460-468. ACM, (2017)A11 Your PLCs Belong to Me: ICS Ransomware Is Realistic., , , , , , и . TrustCom, стр. 502-509. IEEE, (2020)基于双语主题模型和双语词向量的跨语言知识链接 (Cross-language Knowledge Linking Based on Bilingual Topic Model and Bilingual Embedding)., , , и . 计算机科学, 46 (1): 238-244 (2019)A Generic Architecture to Detect Vulnerability Leaks at Crowdsourced Tests., , , и . CNCERT, том 970 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 136-144. Springer, (2018)Characterization of Android Applications with Root Exploit by Using Static Feature Analysis., , , и . ICA3PP (Workshops and Symposiums), том 9532 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 153-165. Springer, (2015)Attribute Extraction by Combing Feature Ranking and Sequence Labeling., , , и . BigComp, стр. 553-556. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)DTRP: A Flexible Deep Framework for Travel Route Planning., , , , , , и . WISE (1), том 10569 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 359-375. Springer, (2017)A new phase image reconstruction method using Markov random fields., , , и . ICIS, стр. 1-5. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Detecting bi-level false data injection attack based on time series analysis method in smart grid., , , , и . Comput. Secur., (2020)