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Shape decomposition and understanding of point cloud objects based on perceptual information., , , и . VRCAI, стр. 199-206. ACM, (2010)Spectral Dictionary Learning Based Multispectral Image Compression., , , , , и . Edutainment, том 11462 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 140-144. Springer, (2018)Latent Topic Model Based Multi-feature Learning for PolSAR Terrain Classification., , , , и . Edutainment, том 11462 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 249-252. Springer, (2018)Top Invulnerability Nodes Mining in Dual-Direction Different-Weight Complex Network Based on Node Double-Level Local Structure Weighted Entropy., , , и . IEEE Access, (2019)A Feature Selection Approach Based on Interclass and Intraclass Relative Contributions of Terms., , , и . Comput. Intell. Neurosci., (2016)Development of large-scale TCM corpus using hybrid named entity recognition methods for clinical phenotype detection: An initial study., , , , , и . CIBD, стр. 84-90. IEEE, (2014)An Effective and Robust Framework by Modeling Correlations of Multiplex Network Embedding., , , , и . ICDM, стр. 1144-1149. IEEE, (2021)Interacting Multiple Model Based on Maximum Correntropy Kalman Filter., , , и . IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs, 68 (8): 3017-3021 (2021)Generative Evolutionary Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Networks., , , , , , и . IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., 35 (12): 12234-12248 (декабря 2023)Comprehensive identification of operational risk factors based on textual risk disclosures., , , и . ITQM, том 139 из Procedia Computer Science, стр. 136-143. Elsevier, (2018)