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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

A quick survey on selected approaches for preparing programmable networks., , , , und . AINTEC, Seite 160-163. ACM, (2011)New 2-designs from strong difference families., , und . Finite Fields Their Appl., (2018)Perfect state transfer on weighted bi-Cayley graphs over abelian groups., und . Appl. Math. Comput., (August 2023)Coupling effect and pole assignment in trajectory regulation of multi-agent systems., , , und . Autom., (2021)Consensusability of discrete-time linear multi-agent systems with multiple inputs., , und . Neurocomputing, (2020)Differentiation of Eight Commercial Mushrooms by Electronic Nose and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry., , und . J. Sensors, (2015)A Cross-patient SEEG Epileptic Signal Detection Method Based on Adaptive Feature Fusion of Brain Network Features and Single-Channel Features., , , , , und . ICBBE, Seite 165-172. ACM, (2022)Analysis and design of high efficiency inductive power-links using a novel matching strategy., und . MWSCAS, Seite 1172-1175. IEEE, (2012)A Hybrid Chain and A Double-Tuple Variable Bulk Arrival and Static Bulk Service Model., , , , und . IEEE ICBC, Seite 1-2. IEEE, (2021)Stability and performance of the stochastic fault tolerant control systems., , und . CDC, Seite 2484-2489. IEEE, (2003)