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Extending ER models to capture database transformations to build data sets for data mining., , , и . Data Knowl. Eng., (2014)Horizontal Aggregations in SQL to Prepare Data Sets for Data Mining Analysis., и . IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., 24 (4): 678-691 (2012)Efficient Disk-Based K-Means Clustering for Relational Databases., и . IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., 16 (8): 909-921 (2004)Discovering Interesting Association Rules in Medical Data., , и . ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, стр. 78-85. (2000)Can we analyze big data inside a DBMS?. DOLAP, стр. 85-92. ACM, (2013)Estimating and bounding aggregations in databases with referential integrity errors., и . DOLAP, стр. 49-56. ACM, (2008)Clustering cubes with binary dimensions in one pass., и . DOLAP, стр. 71-78. ACM, (2013)Repairing OLAP queries in databases with referential integrity errors., и . DOLAP, стр. 61-66. ACM, (2010)Querying external source code files of programs connecting to a relational database., , и . PIKM, стр. 9-16. ACM, (2012)Fast PCA computation in a DBMS with aggregate UDFs and LAPACK., , , , и . CIKM, стр. 2219-2223. ACM, (2012)