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Governance innovations, digital transformation and the generation of public value in Smart City initiatives.

, , and . ICEGOV, page 602-608. ACM, (2020)

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An experimental platform for interpreting open-source health data though integration with dynamic disease models and geoplots., , , , , , , , , and 3 other author(s). HealthCom, page 97-101. IEEE, (2015)Vertical Differentiation and De-differentiation in Electronic Government Initiatives: Understanding the Puebla State Web Portal from a Niklas Luhmann's Perspective., , and . EGOV/ePart Ongoing Research, volume P-221 of LNI, page 176-183. GI, (2013)Governance innovations, digital transformation and the generation of public value in Smart City initiatives., , and . ICEGOV, page 602-608. ACM, (2020)North American digital government working group: initial steps in the development of a comparative and transnational agenda., , , , and . DG.O, volume 289 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 395-396. Digital Government Research Center, (2008)The North American Digital Government Working Group: a mini-workshop at dg.o 2008., and . DG.O, volume 289 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 456-457. Digital Government Research Center, (2008)Assessing the impacts of digital government in the creation of public value., , , and . DG.O, page 61-68. ACM, (2014)Interorganizational collaboration and value creation in digital government projects., , , , and . DG.O, page 133-139. ACM, (2015)IT's alive!!: social media to promote public health., , and . DG.O, page 111-119. ACM, (2013)A policy framework for evaluating Full Information Product Pricing (FIPP) regimes., , , and . DG.O, page 233-234. Digital Government Research Center, (2010)A preliminary ontology for tracking certification systems: a case study of fairtrade coffee certification., , , , , , , and . DG.O, page 267-268. ACM, (2013)