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Evaluation and efficiency comparison of evolutionary algorithms for service placement optimization in fog architectures., , und . Future Gener. Comput. Syst., (2019)Ontology Matching based On Class Context: to solve interoperability problem at Semantic Web.. University of the Balearic Islands, Spain, (2012)Cloud Resource Management to Improve Energy Efficiency Based on Local Nodes Optimizations., , , und . ANT/SEIT, Volume 83 von Procedia Computer Science, Seite 878-885. Elsevier, (2016)Performance-related Ontologies for Ubiquitous Intelligence based on Semantic Web Applications., , und . AINA (1), Seite 675-682. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Web Operational Analysis Through Performance-Related Ontologies in OWL for Intelligent Applications., , und . ICWE, Volume 3579 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 612-614. Springer, (2005)Analyzing the Applicability of a Multi-Criteria Decision Method in Fog Computing Placement Problem., , und . FMEC, Seite 13-20. IEEE, (2019)Distributed genetic algorithm for application placement in the compute continuum leveraging infrastructure nodes for optimization., , und . Future Gener. Comput. Syst., (2024)Comparing Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms for the Fog Service Placement Problem., , und . UCC, Seite 57. ACM, (2023)Multi-objective application placement in fog computing using graph neural network-based reinforcement learning., und . J. Supercomput., 80 (19): 27073-27094 (Dezember 2024)On the Influence of Fog Colonies Partitioning in Fog Application Makespan., , und . FiCloud, Seite 377-384. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)