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Parallax angle parametrization for monocular SLAM., , , и . ICRA, стр. 3117-3124. IEEE, (2011)A new approach for software testability analysis.. ICSE, стр. 985-988. ACM, (2006)Architecture approach for ICT supply chain integrity., , , и . ICT, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2013)The effect of chord-wise flexibility on the aerodynamic force generation of flapping wings: Experimental studies., , , и . ICRA, стр. 4207-4212. IEEE, (2009)Misinformation Propagation in the Age of Twitter, , , , , , и . Computer, 47 (12): 90-94 (декабря 2014)Low and high level classification using stacking., и . IJCNN, стр. 2525-2532. IEEE, (2017)The Absolute Additivity and Fuzzy Additivity of Sugeno Integral., и . ICMLC, том 3930 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 358-366. Springer, (2005)Estimating Problem Metrics for SAT Clause Weighting Local Search., , и . Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, том 2903 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 137-149. Springer, (2003)Multi-node Scheduling Algorithm Based on Clustering Analysis and Data Partitioning in Emergency Management Cloud., , и . WAIM Workshops, том 7901 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 165-174. Springer, (2013)Performance of a novel phase noise compensation scheme for communication receivers in the presence of Wiener phase noise., и . ICASSP (4), стр. 1025-1028. IEEE, (2004)