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MalayWordNet - A novel lexical database for Malay language.. FSKD, стр. 773-777. IEEE, (2013)Information extraction for search engines using fast heuristic techniques, , и . Data & Knowledge Engineering, 69 (2): 169--196 (февраля 2010)Opinion Based Search Ranking., и . ICONIP (2), том 8227 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 465-472. Springer, (2013)Ontological based webpage classification., , , и . CAMP, стр. 224-228. IEEE, (2012)Region based data extraction., , , и . FSKD, стр. 1196-1200. IEEE, (2012)WMS-extracting multiple sections data records from search engine results pages., , и . SAC, стр. 1696-1701. ACM, (2010)A Comparative Study on Image Retrieval Systems., и . ICONIP (3), том 8228 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 125-132. Springer, (2013)Webpage segmentation for extracting images and their surrounding contextual information., , и . ACM Multimedia, стр. 649-652. ACM, (2009)GLSDock - Drug Design Using Guided Local Search., и . ICCSA (3), том 9788 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 11-21. Springer, (2016)An evaluation on current ontological tools and their applications., , , , и . CAMP, стр. 219-223. IEEE, (2012)