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A Joint Asymmetric Graphics Rendering and Video Encoding Approach for Optimizing Cloud Mobile 3D Display Gaming User Experience., , and . ISM, page 421-428. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)An Empirical Study of Video Messaging Services on Smartphones., and . NOSSDAV, page 79. ACM, (2014)BitTrickle: Defending against broadband and high-power reactive jamming attacks., and . INFOCOM, page 909-917. IEEE, (2012)A 5b 12.9 µW charge-redistribution phase domain ADC for low power FSK/PSK demodulation., , , and . ESSCIRC, page 275-278. IEEE, (2014)Reconfigurable RISC-V Secure Processor And SoC Integration., , and . ICIT, page 827-832. IEEE, (2019)Warmonger: Inflicting Denial-of-Service via Serverless Functions in the Cloud., , , and . CCS, page 955-969. ACM, (2021)Perception-Aware Attack: Creating Adversarial Music via Reverse-Engineering Human Perception., , , , , and . CCS, page 905-919. ACM, (2022)TSV-MAC: Time Slot Variable MAC Protocol Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning for UASNs., , , , and . WASA (3), volume 13473 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 225-237. Springer, (2022)Content-adaptive display power saving in internet mobile streaming., , , , , , , and . NOSSDAV, page 1-6. ACM, (2015)Interpolation graph convolutional network for 3D point cloud analysis., , , , and . Int. J. Intell. Syst., 37 (12): 12283-12304 (December 2022)