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A Coordination Model for Workflow Management Systems., , , и . ICEIS, стр. 117-124. (1999)Taking care of vagueness and user preferences for effective similarity queries on multimedia data., и . SEBD, стр. 303-316. (2000)Refined rules termination analysis through transactions., , и . Inf. Syst., 28 (5): 435-456 (2003)A Bottom-Up Interpreter for a Database Language with Updates and Transactions., , , , и . GULP-PRODE (2), стр. 206-220. (1994)Formalizzazione e Ottimizzazione di Transazioni di modifica in CLP(AD)., , , , и . GULP, стр. 501-518. (1993)Geographic information extraction, disambiguation and ranking techniques., и . GIR, стр. 11:1-11:7. ACM, (2015)A Join Operator for Property Graphs., , и . EDBT/ICDT Workshops, том 1810 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2017)A New Reparation Method for Incomplete Data in the Context of Supervised Learning., и . ITCC (1), стр. 471-475. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Information Propagation Analysis in a Social Network Site., , и . ASONAM, стр. 296-300. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Spatio-Temporal Keyword Queries in Social Networks., , , , и . ADBIS, том 8133 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 70-83. Springer, (2013)