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Query-Driven Knowledge Discovery via OLAP manipulations., , и . BDA, (2001)Résolution et Classification pour l'Optimisation Sémantique de Requêtes dans les BDOO Déductives., , и . BDA, стр. 323-. INRIA, (1995)Approximation of frequency queries by means of free-sets, , и . Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Springer, (2000)F-Logic Programming and Terminological Constraints., , и . ICLP Workshop: Integration of Declarative Paradigms, стр. 1-11. Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, Germany, (1994)Extending Datalog for Ordered Multidimensional Databases., , и . DDLP, GMD - German National Research Center for Information Technology, (1997)Approximation du score CFOF de détection d'anomalie dans un arbre d'indexation iSAX : Application au contexte SI de la SNCF., , , и . EGC, том E-35 из RNTI, стр. 165-176. Éditions RNTI, (2019)Representing and Reasoning on Conceptual Queries Over Image Databases., и . ISMIS, том 1609 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 340-348. Springer, (1999)A survey on condensed representations for frequent sets, , и . Constraint-based mining and inductive databases, Springer, (2006)Une approche multi-paradigmes our le test d'applications BDOO., , и . BDA, INRIA, (1994)Constraint Solver Synthesis Using Tabled Resolution for Constraint Logic Programming., и . LOPSTR, том 2664 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 32-47. Springer, (2002)