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Other publications of authors with the same name

Training a Deep Q-Learning Agent Inside a Generic Constraint Programming Solver., , , , , and . CoRR, (2023)Learning and fine-tuning a generic value-selection heuristic inside a constraint programming solver., , , , , , and . Constraints An Int. J., 29 (3-4): 234-260 (December 2024)Learning a Generic Value-Selection Heuristic Inside a Constraint Programming Solver., , , , , and . CP, volume 280 of LIPIcs, page 25:1-25:19. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, (2023)Strype: Frame-based Python in the Browser., , and . SIGCSE (2), page 1261. ACM, (2023)Java: What's New and How Might It Change Our Teaching?, , and . SIGCSE (2), page 1182. ACM, (2023)Transitioning from Blocks to Text., , , and . SIGCSE (2), page 1045-1046. ACM, (2022)Strype: Bridging from Blocks to Python, with Micro: bit Support., , , and . ITiCSE (2), page 585-586. ACM, (2022)How do you look at what you touch?: a study of touch interaction and gaze correlation on tablets., , and . ETRA, page 329-330. ACM, (2016)A Frame of Mind: Frame-based vs. Text-based Editing., , , , , and . UKICER, page 2:1-2:7. ACM, (2021)Strype: a Versatile Python-like Programming Environment for Novices., , and . WiPSCE, page 37:1-37:2. ACM, (2024)