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Frequency and Color Fusion for Face Verification., и . Cross Disciplinary Biometric Systems, том 37 из Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Springer, (2012)Verifying duration properties of timed transition systems., , и . PROCOMET, том 125 из IFIP Conference Proceedings, стр. 327-345. Chapman & Hall, (1998)Editorial., и . Formal Asp. Comput., 29 (4): 581-582 (2017)A formal semantics of UML sequence diagram, , и . Software Engineering Conference, 2004. Proceedings. 2004 Australian, стр. 168--177. (2004)Component-Based Software Engineering., , и . ICTAC, том 3722 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 70-95. Springer, (2005)Global Translational Motion Estimation (GTME)., , и . LSMS (1), том 4688 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 756-766. Springer, (2007)rCOS: Refinement of Component and Object Systems., , и . FMCO, том 3657 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 183-221. Springer, (2004)A Model of Video Coding Based on Multi-agent., , и . PRIMA, том 4088 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 590-595. Springer, (2006)Multi-scale ultrasound image denoising algorithm based on deep learning model for super-resolution reconstruction., , , и . CCRIS, стр. 6-11. ACM, (2023)RM2PT: a tool for automated prototype generation from requirements model., , , и . ICSE (Companion Volume), стр. 59-62. IEEE / ACM, (2019)