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Formally verifying interactive systems: A review., и . DSV-IS, стр. 109-124. Springer, (1997)Systematic Analysis of Control Panel Interfaces Using Formal Tools., и . DSV-IS, том 5136 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 72-85. Springer, (2008)Supporting the Design of an Ambient Assisted Living System Using Virtual Reality Prototypes., , , и . IWAAL, том 9455 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 49-61. Springer, (2015)A use error taxonomy for improving human-machine interface design in medical devices., , , , и . SIGBED Rev., 16 (2): 24-30 (2019)AMAN Case Study., и . ABZ, том 14010 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 265-283. Springer, (2023)MODUS: model-based user interfaces prototyping., , и . EICS, стр. 111-116. ACM, (2017)Systematic automation of scenario-based testing of user interfaces., , , , , и . EICS, стр. 138-148. ACM, (2016)Formal Modelling as a Component of User Centred Design., , и . STAF Workshops, том 11176 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 274-289. Springer, (2018)Addressing Interactive Computing Systems' Concerns in Software Engineering Degrees., и . INTERACT (Workshops), том 13198 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 248-256. Springer, (2021)Towards a catalog of usability smells., , , и . SAC, стр. 175-181. ACM, (2015)