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Decision Support System for Formation and Implementing Orders Based on Cross Programming and Cloud Computing., , , , , , и . MoMLeT+DS, том 2917 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 714-748., (2021)Intelligent System for Film Script Formation Based on Artbook Text and Big Data Analysis., , , , и . CSIT (1), стр. 138-146. IEEE, (2021)The Electronic Digests Formation and Categorization for Textual Commercial Content., , , , , , , и . COLINS, том 2870 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 1816-1831., (2021)Relationships Knowledge Graphs Construction Between Evidence Based on Crime Reports., , , , , и . CSIT, стр. 165-171. IEEE, (2022)Sentiment Analysis Technology of English Newspapers Quotes Based on Neural Network as Public Opinion Influences Identification Tool., , , , , и . CSIT, стр. 83-88. IEEE, (2022)Solving Scheduling Issues Methods Analysis in Computational Grid., , , , и . CSIT (1), стр. 267-273. IEEE, (2021)NLP Tool for Extracting Relevant Information from Criminal Reports or Fakes/Propaganda Content., , , , , и . CSIT, стр. 93-98. IEEE, (2022)Big Data Analysis of Cryptocurrency Exchange Rate Changes Dynamics., , , , , и . CSIT, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2023)Content Monitoring and Big Data Analysis of Smart City Residents Appeals and Complaints Management., , , , , и . CSIT, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2023)The Rain Prediction in Australia Based Big Data Analysis and Machine Learning Technology., , , , и . CSIT (1), стр. 97-100. IEEE, (2021)