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Putting the 'I' in 'team': an ego-centric approach to cooperative localization.

, , and . ICRA, page 868-874. IEEE, (2003)

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Building Blocks of Social Intelligence: Enabling Autonomy for Socially Intelligent and Assistive Robots., , , , , , , and . AAAI Fall Symposia, AAAI Press, (2014)Using proxemics to evaluate human-robot interaction., and . HRI, page 143-144. ACM, (2010)On Role Allocation in RoboCup., and . RoboCup, volume 3020 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 43-53. Springer, (2003)Avoiding detection in a dynamic environment., , and . IROS, page 3773-3778. IEEE, (2004)Environment learning using a distributed representation.. ICRA, page 402-406. IEEE, (1990)Using nonverbal signals to request help during human-robot collaboration., and . IROS, page 5070-5076. IEEE, (2016)Investigating the effects of visual saliency on deictic gesture production by a humanoid robot., , and . RO-MAN, page 210-216. IEEE, (2011)B3IA: A control architecture for autonomous robot-assisted behavior intervention for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders., and . RO-MAN, page 328-333. IEEE, (2008)Graded cueing feedback in robot-mediated imitation practice for children with autism spectrum disorders., , , and . RO-MAN, page 561-566. IEEE, (2014)Robot exercise instructor: A socially assistive robot system to monitor and encourage physical exercise for the elderly., and . RO-MAN, page 416-421. IEEE, (2010)