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Parameter Optimisation in the Receptor Density Algorithm., , , , , , и . ICARIS, том 6825 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 226-239. Springer, (2011)Modelling the Tunability of Early T Cell Signalling Events., , , и . ICARIS, том 5132 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 12-23. Springer, (2008)Neural network for syntactic categorisation of words., , , и . ICNN, стр. 2863-2866. IEEE, (1995)Novelty Search for Shape Descriptors., , , , , и . CEC, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2020)Self-reconfigurable Modular e-pucks., , и . ANTS, том 7461 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 133-144. Springer, (2012)Evolved fault tolerance in evolvable hardware., и . IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, стр. 1267-1271. IEEE, (2002)Crossover and bloat in the functionality model of enzyme genetic programming., и . IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, стр. 986-991. IEEE, (2002)Optimising variability tolerant standard cell libraries., , и . IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, стр. 2273-2280. IEEE, (2009)Towards evolving industry-feasible intrinsic variability tolerant CMOS designs., , и . IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, стр. 1591-1598. IEEE, (2009)Analysing the Reliability of a Self-reconfigurable Modular Robotic System., , , , и . BIONETICS, том 103 из Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, стр. 44-58. Springer, (2011)