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AnimDiff: Comparing 3D Animations for Revision Control.

, , and . Eurographics (Short Papers), page 29-32. Eurographics Association, (2017)

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AnimDiff: Comparing 3D Animations for Revision Control., , and . Eurographics (Short Papers), page 29-32. Eurographics Association, (2017)D.A.V.E: A Prototype for Automatic Environment Decoration., and . Eurographics (Posters), page 27-28. Eurographics Association, (2019)Real-Time Fluids - Optimizing Grid-Based Methods., , and . SIGRAD, volume 120 of Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, page 120:015. Linköping University Electronic Press, (2015)Generating ASCII-Art: A Nifty Assignment from a Computer Graphics Programming Course.. Eurographics (Education Papers), page 17-18. Eurographics Association, (2017)No More Reinventing the Virtual Wheel: Middleware for Use in Computer Games and Interactive Computer Graphics Education., and . Eurographics (Education Papers), page 33-40. Eurographics Association, (2010)Student Project - Racing Launcher Game.. Eurographics (Education Papers), page 7-8. Eurographics Association, (2013)Once Upon a Time in Animation: Curatorial strategies for an exhibition on the National Centre for Computer Animation., , and . EVA, BCS, (2020)Withering fruits: vegetable matter decay and fungus growth., and . SIGGRAPH Posters, page 74:1-74:2. ACM, (2018)Traditional Romanian Egg Decoration in Augmented Reality with 3D Printing., , and . GCH, page 41-44. Eurographics Association, (2022)Streamlining Photogrammetry Reconstructions of Bone Fragments for Bioarchaeological Analysis, Conservation, and Public Engagement., , and . Eurographics (Posters), page 5-6. Eurographics Association, (2020)