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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Incremental learning of sequence patterns with a modular network model., und . Neurocomputing, 72 (7-9): 1910-1919 (2009)Object dynamics prediction and motion generation based on reliable predictability., , , , , und . ICRA, Seite 1608-1614. IEEE, (2008)Predicting Object Dynamics from Visual Images through Active Sensing Experiences., , , , und . ICRA, Seite 2501-2506. IEEE, (2007)Emergence of Expert Modules for Mobile Robot Navigation from a Mixture of Elman Networks., , , , und . ICONIP, Seite 256-259. IOA Press, (1998)Seamless Integration and Coordination of Cognitive Skills in Humanoid Robots: A Deep Learning Approach., und . IEEE Trans. Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 10 (2): 345-358 (2018)Visual Attention and Learning of a Cognitive Robot.. ICANN, Volume 1327 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 697-702. Springer, (1997)Efficient decomposition of latent representation in generative models., und . SSCI, Seite 611-615. IEEE, (2020)Predictive coding for dynamic vision: Development of functional hierarchy in a multiple spatio-temporal scales RNN model., und . IJCNN, Seite 657-664. IEEE, (2017)Reinforcement learning of multiple tasks using parametric bias., , und . IJCNN, Seite 2732-2739. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Ego-centric and allo-centric abstraction in self-organized hierarchical neural networks., , und . ICDL-EPIROB, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2011)