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Semantics-based memory leak detection for C programs., , , , , и . FSKD, стр. 2283-2287. IEEE, (2015)A two-channel training algorithm for hidden Markov model to identify visual speech elements., , и . ISCAS (2), стр. 572-575. IEEE, (2003)Study on Multi-levels Incentive Mechanism Model for Tacit Knowledge Sharing in Enterprise., , , и . ICEE, стр. 1948-1951. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Sound interval detection of multiple sources based on sound directivity., , , и . IROS, стр. 1982-1987. IEEE, (2010)A boosted multi-HMM classifier for recognition of visual speech elements., и . ICASSP (2), стр. 285-288. IEEE, (2003)The effects of microphone array processing on pitch extraction in real noisy environments., , , и . IROS, стр. 550-555. IEEE, (2011)Adaptive MAC protocol for UAV communication networks using directional antennas., и . ICNSC, стр. 598-603. IEEE, (2010)Cross layer design for mobile Ad-Hoc Unmanned Aerial Vehicle communication networks., и . ICNSC, стр. 331-336. IEEE, (2010)Optimization of Multiple Wireless Transmissions for Radio-Frequency Energy Harvesting.. IEEE Communications Letters, 22 (10): 2140-2143 (2018)Spectral- and energy-efficient transmission with joint bandwidth assignment and transmit power allocation.. GlobalSIP, стр. 703-707. IEEE, (2016)