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Shape normalization for catalytic monoliths, , и . Chemical Engineering Science, 59 (18): 3737-3766 (2004/9 2004)TY - JOUR.Shape normalization and analysis of the mass transfer controlled regime in catalytic monoliths, и . Chemical Engineering Science, 57 (8): 1269-1286 (2002/4 2002)TY - JOUR.Runaway limits for homogeneous and catalytic reactors, , и . Chemical Engineering Science, 50 (7): 1149-1171 (1995/4 1995)TY - JOUR.Experimental and theoretical investigation of the mass transfer controlled regime in catalytic monoliths, , и . Catalysis Today, 88 (1-2): 3-16 (2003/12/1 2003)TY - JOUR.Light-off criterion and transient analysis of catalytic monoliths, , и . Chemical Engineering Science, 58 (8): 1381-1405 (2003/4 2003)TY - JOUR.