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Two-Stage Process Modeling for Simulation in BPR, and . Advances in System Simulation, 2009. SIMUL '09. First International Conference on, page 132 -137. (September 2009)A Petri Net Based Compiler For Prototyping Language RELOS, and . Microprocessing and Microprogramming 24, page 471--482. North-Holland, (1988)Managing Software Processes in Melmac, and . Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Software Development Environments, Irvine, California, USA, (1990)Process-centered IPSEs in ALF, , , and . submitted, CRIN-CNRS 91-R-046, (1991)Modellierung unternehmensübergreifender Geschäftsprozesse mit FUNSOFT-Netzen, and . WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK, (1996)Der FUNSOFT-Ansatz zum integrierten Geschäftsproze"smanagement, , and . WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK, (1995)Reference Manual for the MASP Definition Language, , , , , , , and . ALF-NCY-JCD-WP-4-4-1-D2, 5.0. C.E.C. Esprit Project No. 1520, (January 1992)The MASP Concepts and their rationales in the ALF Project, , , , , , , , , and . ALF/NCY-JCD/WP2/1/2.D3, C.E.C. Esprit Project No. 1520, (October 1989)The MASP Concepts and their Rationale in the ALF Project, , , , , , , , , and . ALF/NCY-JCD/WP-2/1/2.D3, C.E.C. Esprit Project No. 1520, (1989)Systematic Development of Generic Formal Software Process Models, , and . Technical Report, No. 29. University of Dortmund, Chair of Software Technology, (August 1988)