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Algorithmic Fault Tolerance Using the Lanczos Method.

, , , and . SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 13 (1): 312-332 (1992)

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Sparse and parallel matrix computations.. Stanford University, USA, (1978)A Linear Algebraic Model of Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance., and . IEEE Trans. Computers, 37 (12): 1599-1604 (1988)Principal Component Analysis for Distributed Data Sets with Updating., , and . APPT, volume 3756 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 471-483. Springer, (2005)A novel fault tolerance technique for recursive least squares minimization., , and . VLSI Signal Processing, 1 (3): 181-188 (1989)An Event Driven Approach to Customer Relationship Management in e-Brokerage Industry., , , , and . HICSS, page 182. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Algorithm-based fault-tolerant techniques for MVDR beamforming., , , and . ICASSP, page 2417-2420. IEEE, (1989)Some Linear-Time Algorithms for Systolic Arrays., , and . IFIP Congress, page 865-876. North-Holland/IFIP, (1983)A parallel method for computing the generalized singular value decomposition.. IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic, page 260-265. IEEE, (1985)The HK Singular Value Decomposition of Rank Deficient Matrix Triplets., and . Great Lakes Computer Science Conference, volume 507 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 286-292. Springer, (1989)Structured matrices with applications., , , and . Numerical Lin. Alg. with Applic., 12 (2-3): 87 (2005)