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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Current issues in electronic mail: heralding a new era.. AFIPS National Computer Conference, Seite 361-365. AFIPS Press, (1983)FORROST: Advances in On-Orbit Robotic Technologies, , , , , , , , , und 5 andere Autor(en). Proceedings of the IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, USA, IEEE, (2015)VarProDMD: Solving Variable Projection for the Dynamic Mode Decomposition with SciPy's optimization suite., , , und . SoftwareX, (2024)The Cost of Speed: Work Policies for Crashing and Overlapping in Product Development Projects., , , und . IEEE Trans. Engineering Management, 62 (2): 237-255 (2015)Motion Prediction for Teleoperating Autonomous Vehicles using a PID Control Model., , und . ANZCC, Seite 133-138. IEEE, (2019)Die Bewertung von Zinsoptionen. Gabler-Edition Wissenschaft Dt. Univ.-Verl u.a., Wiesbaden, (1996)Implementation considerations in electronic mail.. AFIPS National Computer Conference, Volume 49 von AFIPS Conference Proceedings, Seite 489-492. AFIPS Press, (1980)Introduction to electronic mail.. AFIPS National Computer Conference, Volume 49 von AFIPS Conference Proceedings, Seite 485-488. AFIPS Press, (1980)Office automation.. AFIPS National Computer Conference, Volume 49 von AFIPS Conference Proceedings, Seite 483. AFIPS Press, (1980)